
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam posuere varius magna, ut accumsan quam pretium vel. Duis ornare felis

Hirtenstraße 19, 10178 Berlin, Germany
(+44) 871.075.0336

Contemporary dance in 360º

The Dance Dome is a portable 360° cinema that blurs the boundaries between movement, digital technology and cinema, wrapping dance around the viewer to create a truly unique immersive experience.

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Fulldome Programme 

We have 4 fulldome dance films available to license. Click on each title to learn more about them.

Immersive Live Performance

Liminality Live fuses contemporary dance, live music and 360º live action cinematography.
Read more

Tour Dates




327 Penarth Road, Cardiff, Wales, UK

+44 07734 471 356

+44 07910 491 565


    © The Dance Dome 2023
    Website designed by 4Pi